Using Canva For Resume Templates? Experts Refrain, Here’s Why!

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Using canva for resumes isn’t the right choice, experts say. lets deep dive into why using canva for resume templates is not worth it infact it may hurt our job search.

Dont Use Canva For Resume Templates

Crafting an impressive resume is crucial for standing out from the crowd in today’s competitive job market. Many individuals turn to online resume builder tools for help, and one popular choice is Canva, probably not a dedicated resume builder but a graphic design platform offering a variety of resume templates for free.

The primary reason for many people for using canva is mostly it offers most of the resume templates for free. While the convenience and user-friendly nature of Canva may be appealing, there are compelling reasons to exercise caution when using their resume templates either free or paid.

Below listed are some of the important key points why we should not use canva resume templates while building a resume.

Canva Templates Are Not ATS Friendly

You heard it right! I repeat Canva resume templates are not ATS friendly.

See canva is a graphic design company not dedicated to resume building. They offer resume templates as part of their graphic design company standards. I know they look stunning but they are not actually worth it as ATS fail to parse the content of resumes created out of canva resume templates. If you blindly use canva for resumes then you are hurting your job search process.

Here’s what Amanda starling has shared about the usage of canva resume templates on her linkedin profile. She is the Executive Director of FIDM

dont use canva resume templates

This is a potential concern with using Canva resume templates is compatibility. Some applicant tracking systems (ATS) used by companies may struggle to parse information from resumes created on graphic design platforms. This could lead to your resume being overlooked or misinterpreted by these systems, putting you at a disadvantage in the initial stages of the hiring process.

If you still want to use canva for it’s simplicity and free to use resume templates we have much more points to discuss. Read on…

Lack of Originality

One of the primary drawbacks of using Canva resume templates is the risk of creating a generic, cookie-cutter document.

Many users gravitate towards the same visually appealing designs, resulting in an abundance of resumes that look strikingly similar. In a job market that values individuality and unique qualities, relying on a template that lacks originality may hinder your chances of making a memorable impression.

Limited Customization

While Canva provides a degree of customisation, the templates have predefined structures that may not align with your specific career goals or experiences.

The limited ability to tailor your resume to highlight your unique strengths and achievements can be a significant drawback. An effective resume should be a tailored representation of your skills and qualifications, and using a template that constrains this customisation may not serve your best interests.

Overemphasis on Style over Substance

Canva is renowned for its visually appealing designs, and it’s easy to get carried away with the aesthetics of a resume template.

However, there is a risk of prioritizing style over substance. Hiring managers are ultimately interested in the content of your resume. Your skills, experiences, and accomplishments matter rather than style. If the visual elements overshadow the content, your resume may fail to communicate your true value to employers.

Limited Professionalism

While Canva offers a range of visually appealing templates, not all may be suitable for professional settings. Some designs may come across as too casual or unprofessional for certain industries.

It’s crucial to strike the right balance between creativity and professionalism in your resume, and relying solely on Canva templates may not allow for this nuance.

While Canva is a popular and accessible tool for various graphic design needs, including resume creation, users should exercise caution when relying on its templates for crafting professional resumes.

The lack of originality, limited customization, potential overemphasis on style, compatibility issues, and concerns about professionalism are all factors that should be carefully considered. Instead of settling for convenience, individuals should explore alternative methods of resume creation that allow for a more tailored and effective representation of their unique qualifications and experiences.

That being said, you have an option to choose an alternative free dedicated resume builder called Our resume builder is an absolute ATS compliant. Each and every pdf resume created can be easily parsed by any ATS.


Meet Mohan, a seasoned professional and dedicated career advice expert with a passion for guiding individuals toward success in their professional journeys.

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